Advanced Sami Bracelet Class
Sons of Norway- Mandt Lodge is offeing a one-day Sami Bracelet class on Saturday, August 3, 2024. It will only take one day to complete the bracelet – you will go home with a completed bracelet. The class runs from 9:00 AM – 4PM and will be held at Sons of Norway Mandt Lodge, 317 Page Street, Stoughton, Wisconsin 53589. Class Fees: $65.00 Sons of Norway Members and Seniors (age 55 & over) and $80.00 for Non-members. Registration form and payment due: July 20, 2024 (Class fee covers instruction, documents, and use of the tools.) This fee does not include the materials Kit. (The Kit includes all the materials needed to complete the project including; pewter thread, leather, needle, sinew, button.) The cost of the initial Kit is $45.00. Additional Kits may be purchased at an in-class special rate. Classes are dependent upon enrollment. If a class is cancelled due to insufficient enrollment, payment will be refunded. This is an all-day class. We will have a lunch break of one hour, you may wish to go out or you can bring your lunch. The class fee does not include the leather, pewter, thread, needle, etc. needed to assemble the bracelet. The cost of the materials that make up the Kit is $45.00. The class fee does cover the use of the tools you will need to complete the bracelet. Payment for the material Kit should be made payable to: Creations Inspired by Coastal Norway (CICN). Parking is not allowed in the Livsreise lot across from Mandt Lodge. You may park on the City streets or City parking lots. Sandy Fleming and Nancy Odalen will be teaching this class. This class is at the beginner’s level. By the end of the class, you will have completed a Sami inspired bracelet to take home to enjoy for years to come. Additional material Kits will be available for purchase. These material Kits will include the same supplies found in the material Kit used for class. If you have any questions, contact coastalnorway@gmail.com or Sandy Fleming sandrakelly62@gmail.com, or Nancy Odalen naodalen@charter.net. Registration form and Payment is due July 20, 2024
Advanced Sami Bracelet ClassDate and Time
Saturday Aug 10, 2024
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM CDTAugust 10 9-4
Sons of Norway 317 S Page St, Stoughton
Class Fees: $65.00 Sons of Norway Members and Seniors (age 55 & over) and $80.00 for Non-members. Registration form and payment due: July 20, 2024 (Class fee covers instruction, documents, and use of the tools.) This fee does not include the materials Kit.
Contact Information
Nancy Odalen naodalen@charter.net
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