Dispelling Money Fog: A Workshop for Women
“Money fog” is the chronic vagueness and inability to see one’s financial landscape—and women are especially affected. Certified Financial Recovery Counselor Caroline Oldershaw will share tools and resources to overcome money fog and money fear. Attend live on Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84803268440?pwd=OFZNaFVQSzhuUUZIS0ZlUkFKcndDZz09 No registration is required, but you can register here and set an email reminder for yourself if you like: https://stoughtonpubliclibrary.evanced.info/signup/EventDetails?EventId=30
Dispelling Money Fog: A Workshop for ...Date and Time
Tuesday Feb 7, 2023
6:30 PM - 7:30 PM CSTLocation
Contact Information
Amanda Bosky
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